

Pre & Post Operation Rehab

We specialize in pre and post-operative conditioning, education, and training for lateral ankle stabilizations, rotatory cuff repairs, ACL reconstruction, and total joint replacements. Additionally, we can skillfully manage all post surgical treatments for Knee, Foot, Ankle, Hip, Pelvis, Spinal Injuries, Shoulder, Elbow, Wrist, and Hand.

Sports Medicine

Our Sports Physical Therapy expertise will not only speed up your recovery but will assist in making you stronger, faster, and more resistant to injury in the future.

Manual Physical Therapy

Patients who receive manual Physical Therapy will receive hands on treatment including joint mobilization, myofascial release/massage, positional release techniques, muscle energy techniques and friction massage.


Our clinicians are certified in a for of advanced soft tissue mobilization, called ASTYM. This allows our therapists to manually apply specialized instruments over the body to stimulate healing in unhealthy soft tissues like ligaments, tendons, and muscles.

Orthopedic Physical Therapy

You will receive a comprehensive evaluation addressing range of motion, joint mobility, joint integrity, muscle length, muscle strength, coordination, balance, and orthopedic specific tests.


We offer a wide range of state of the art tools and techniques to promote muscle growth, pain reduction, and scar tissue reduction. Some of our most popular and effective modalities are: Ultrasound therapy, Electrotherapuetic therapy, Ionophoreisis, and mechanical spine traction.



Aquatic Physical Therapy allows patients to strengthen muscles and joints in a way that will not have a severe impact on their body.